Think back to your college years. Did you spend more time at the lab bench than at the bar? 回想你的大学生活,大部分时间你是花在在实验室的凳子上还是酒吧?
Researchers at the University of Warwick are examining a way of using bacteria to manufacture a new suite of potential anti-cancer drugs that are difficult to create synthetically on a lab bench. 一些抗肿瘤药物由于结构过于复杂使得人工合成难以进行。科学家可以利用微生物来合成这类新的药物。
Her thin shoulders hunched from too many hours bent over a lab bench shook with rage. 她瘦削的肩膀因长久在实验室的长凳前弯腰而显得有些驼背,这时因为愤怒而晃动的厉害。